Book. Pamphlet. Friends of St Marys Cathedral, Limerick. Report of Committee, Year 1945. Price Sixpence (Free to Members). McKerns, Printers, Limerick. This printed on pale blue card front cover within line border. 12pp. plus covers, bound with two staples, slightly rusty. Contents: Plan of cathedral showing the arrangement of pews, stalls etc previous to the alterations of 1921; Committee of management 1944; Rules of management; Purpose; How to become a Friend; List of papers in reports to date; Summary of renovations etc to which funds applied; Photograph, general view of nave and choir; Annual Report; List of members; List of donations; Notice of deaths of Miss F Vesey Brown, Rev C Murray, Mr Dermod O'Brien PRHA, Miss E V Vereker; Statement of accounts; Photograph of entrance to choir; photograph of screen; Paper: Previous to alterations of 1921, Chapter stalls and pews, screen, notes on illustrations, by J A Haydn. Loose application form inside back cover. Contains printed notice of AGM on Mon 25 Feb 1946, printed by McKerns