

Collection object

H. 18.3 W. 12.3
Book. Pamphlet. Munster Connacht Exhibition, Limerick, 1906, Fine Arts and Archaeological Section. On title page: The Works of Irish Artists / Past and Present / North Gallery. Limerick: / Guy and Co Ltd. Printers and Stationers, George Street. / 1906. 32pp. plus yellow card covers, now dirty. Bound with single staple, rusted away leaving brown stain and weakening of paper. Committee printed on front cover: Chairman: Dermod O'Brien ARHA; Vice Chairman Rev T Lee PP; President: Lord Inchiquin; Sir Maurice Fitzgerald, Knight of Kerry; Very Rev Dean of Limerick; J Grene Barry DL; H V MacNamara, DL; P J Lynch MRIAI; J Doyle; James Frost MRIA; Sir George Hare RI AIA; Rev J Dowd BA; J P Lynch PLG; N A Brophy ARCA; J W Freeth ARCA; T Westropp; Secretary: Mr E Travers.

Guy & Co (printer)