Letter, MS, draft or copy. Stephen O'Mara, Mayor, to Viceroy?. Text; "April 7th 1885/ May it please your Excellency/ I had the honor on the/ evening of the 5th inst of presiding at/ a public meeting of the/ Citizens of Limerick/ numbering over Ten Thousand/ persons at which the/ enclosed resolution was/ unanimously passed./ The meeting was called/ by Public placard and was/ attended by every description (class) of citizen from the merchant & the citizen and labourer./ I therefore have the/ utmost confidence in/ describing the State of/ feeling in the city as being/ practically unanimous in/ not wishing for the presence/ of the Prince of Wales just now./ And in resisting any attempt/ of irresponsible persons/ to speak in the name of/ the citizens or to include them in any address of Welcome./ I remain/ Your Excellency's/ Humble Servant,/ Stephen O'Mara/ Mayor." Written on first and last sides of a folded sheet; the first side has the Arms of Limerick with motto, printed in green, with "Mayor's Office/ Limerick" below. Letter contains several crossings out and inserts, in ink, to improve the letter, then blue pencil marks, a line through the arms, "2" to the right, a line under addressee line, and "class" replacing "description". Watermark on paper "Joynson/ Superfine". Letter has been folded in half and outer side, p. 4, dirtied.