
Collection object

H. 25.1 W. 15.8
Book, pamphlet, Dublin printed. Catalogue; cover reads "Comhlucht Conganta na nGaodhal/ agus/ Spleadhach oglach na hEireann./ Irish National Aid/ and/ Volunteer Dependents' Fund. [all in box]/ Catalogue/ of/ Gift Sale/ To be held in aid of above at the/ Mansion House, Dublin/ On/ Friday and Saturday 20th and 21st April [1917]/ Commencing at Twelve o'clock each day./ The sale will be opened by/ The Right Hon. The Lord mayor./ Objects may be viewed/ On the two days preceding the sale/ At the Supper Room, Mansion House./ Price One Shilling". 25pp with loose 4pp addendum, grey card cover stapled twice through centre-fold; cover printed in black except for G of gift which is in green with green lines above and below "Gift Sale". Annotated in places with prices etc., in black; at head of p.1 in red ink "The Blank canvases will be offered for sale/ on Friday 20th April at 4 PM./ The Addendum to the Catalogue can be had on Application to 10 Exchequer St." Burn hole in P7/8. Addendum first page has "D. McCarthy,/ 2 Main St/ Conne? 100". Pamphlet and Addendum printed by W. Warren, 15 Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin. Cover edges and addendum edges worn.

W Warren (printer)