

Collection object

H. 32.4 W. 20.0
Book, typescript, "Ballyscaddane, Knocklong/ Co. Limerick/ Inventory/ of/ Household Furniture & Appointments, also/ Outside Effects/ Made &Taken/ November 1925/ For General Franks." by Wm. B. Fitt, 46 O'Connell Street, Limerick. 85 numbered pages, in blue with occasional red underlining; each page has oval stamp at top "Wm. B. Fitt/ Limerick" around outside "Auctioneer" at centre. Room by room listing of all house contents including books by title and all tools and equipment in yards etc.; signed on p. 85 by Wm. B. Fitt. Pale grey card cover printed in black and red with black cloth spine. Inside front cover, label printed in black on green "George McKern & Sons, Ltd./ Printers and Stationers/ Limerick. Circular embossing on flu leaf "Richard Coughlan/ Collection" around, "Copyright" across centre.

McKerns (printer)