
Collection object

H. 8.9 W. 14.0
Postcard, b/w matt, landscape format, white margin around view. Title in centre of bottom margin, "West End, Kilkee". View shows rows of houses on the front with sea at left; at right is a row of single storey houses with slope down to sea-front, with two storey houses further along; in centre foreground on the edge of steps set into the slope are two young boys standing looking at camera with a third sitting looking at the two, while a fourth older male regards the three; in the road outside a man on a cart and a pedestrian move towards camera. Reverse printed in brown; at centre top a head and shoulders portrait of a man with "Trade Mark" over and "Milton" below; "The Milton" to left and "Post Card" to right of head; "British Throughout" under head, with T shaped double division lines below; to left "For Communication this space/ may be used"; to right "The address only to be/ written here; box for stamp in top right corner, design in box hidden by stamp which is set askew. Red 1d postage revenue stamp, George V definitive issue, second, full profile, portrait. Circular cancellation only partly legible, "????? / Co Clare/ ???/ ?? AU/ 18". Addressed, in red ink, to Miss Elinor Weldon, Coolraine, Ennis Road, Limerick, from E. Watson; message, hope you and Tom are well will May come to lessons.

Woolstone Brothers (publishers)