
Collection object

H. 10.5 W. 15.2
Postcard, colour glossy, landscape format, white margin at bottom. Title in centre of margin, "Spring-Rice Memorial Column, People's Park, Limerick, Ireland" View of the column, with summer house/ pavilion behind it, c 6 individuals around the park, including one woman sat at the base. Reverse printed in pale blue; at centre top a blue rhomboid with a large letter C in the centre and "Cardall reading up inside the C; at bottom left, "Spring-Rice Memorial Column, Limerick: In the People's/ Park, off Pery Square, is the Spring-Rice Memorial Column. The work/ of the famous engineer, Alexander Nimmo, it commemorates the/ achievements of Thomas Spring-Rice (1790-1866) 1st Baron Monteagle/ of Brandon. He was Chancellor of the United Kingdom Exchequer and a/ Protestant liberal lawyer who devoted himself to civic reform and justice/ for Catholics./ Published by Cardall Ltd., Dublin. Printed in the Republic of Ireland. 293". Rectangular box for stamp at top right corner, with five lines for address below. Unposted and unused.

Thomas Spring Rice (associated with)
Cardall Ltd (published by)