

Collection object

H. 18.4 W. 12.1
Book: "A Cracked Fiddle: Being a Selection From the Poems of Frederick Langbridge.", second edition, printed "Limerick, G. McKern and Sons, 113, George Street" and "London, Methuen & Co., 18 Bury Street, W.C."; no date. 262 numbered pages, plus 10 pages of contents, fly-leaf and title page. Book of verse dedicated to E.L.W. and divided under the headings: "Ballads Stories and Studies", "In Dialect", "In Brogue", "Lyrics of Love etc." and "Landscapes, Seasons and Flowers". Brown cloth bound card covers and spine, covers now only held by cloth. Inscribed: on inside front cover, "Mabel Blanche Leslie,/ 1 Geraldine Place,/ New Street,/ Limerick" in black ink and "37 Athlunkard St." in pencil; on fly leaf, "F.J. Kearon/ 1/1/1900/ Mabel Blanche Leslie" in black ink, "A.G. Leslie" twice in blue, "J.F. Kearon" in black and "A.G. Leslie/ 1 Geraldine Place/ New Street/ Limerick/ 19th January 04" in black; on first title page "J.F. Kearon/ 1/1/1900" and "Mabel Blanche Leslie" both in black; and on main title page "Albert Gartrell Leslie" twice, once in pencil and once in ink.

McKerns (printer)