
Collection object

H. 21.6 W. 19.4, receipt H. 4 W. 14.6
Billhead, invoice, printed in brown on yellow; Todds of Limerick, William Todd & CO. Ltd, O'Connell Street, Limerick. Upper part has the company name and space for customer's name, lower two thirds with columns for purchases. Customer's name in blue ink, "Miss Green, c/o Gibsons, O'Connell Street, Limerick"; purchases filled out by typewriter with dates ranging through the month; purchases largely for curtaining; list checked and marked in pencil and price of returned goods worked out and deducted from the total; then a further percentage reduction deducted from the bill in blue ball-point. Printed receipt, black on pale blue, stuck to top left, and filled out in blue ball-point, dated 11-9-51, receipt No. 31717; the back of the receipt is gummed.