Shoulder mount

Collection object

Width of metal 3.2, Height of piece with right angle 44.4, length of horizontal section into curve 18, length of slit 9.9, total length of curved piece from end to end on outer curve 61.5. Webbing 5.8 wide.
Shoulder mount? piece of equipment of uncertain function. A length of flat 3.2cm wide iron curved over ar one end, to fit shoulder? with second piece welded to it which runs horizontally and then turns down in a right angle, slightly longer than curved piece, with slight kick at end; the horizontal section has an elongated slit along most of its length as though to adjust something. The inside of the contraption is lined with green baize as is the upper part of the lit in the horizontal section. At the lower end a webbing belt is stretched between the two ends of metal and held in place by lengths of iron bolted to the down pieces; the webbing at the curved side has a long length hanging free, which is adjustable and has a brass eye at the end; the other end is shorter and has a brass clasp to fasten it to opposite end.