Overall length 62.3, diameter of head 42.1, of dial 30.3, of glass measured thro' ring 29.4. Length of hands from back of pivot 14.9 and 10.6. Diameter of pendulum.
Wall clock, pendulum, by Conrad Cromer. Circular head on box case, with curved base. Circular white dial with black details; "C. Cromer/ Limerick" above pivot for hands; Roman numerals for the hours; double circle on outside of numerals subdivided into minutes, with every fifth one emphasised; dial held to wood surround by three screws; two winding holes in dial below hand pivot. Hour hand a narrow spear; hour hand with leaf shaped pointer. Flat glass front with glass held by a brass ring hinged to surround at right; brass hinge welded to ring but three screw holes for fastening to surround but only two screws holding it in place; ring has projection at left, which passes through the wooden surround to be locked in place by a swivel latch on the reverse. Circular surround made from eight pieces, each piece with marquetry inlay, in light and dark wood, forming an octagon around the brass ring. Wooden head fits to case by two wooden projections which slide down the outside of the case and held in position by a single wooden dowel on either side; both dowels are modern replacements. Angle between surround and lower part of case filled on either side with carved floral type scroll attached to side of case. Below the surround is a glass fronted rectangular door giving access to the pendulum; the door is hinged at top with two brass hinges with two brass screws in each leaf; the door is locked at right by a hook attached to the side of the case which swings to engage a projecting pin on the edge of the door; at bottom centre of the door is a cup-hook, probably a replacement for an original handle; the door has marquetry inlay around, of similar type to that on the dial surround; the glass in the door is held in place by a fretwork panel, with scroll ornament, and the panel is held to the back of the door by pins. Visible wood at front stained and varnished. Case is a plain box construction; back side unvarnished with flat plate with ring at top for hanging. Circular pendulum weight, cast iron with brass foil cover at front; foil has a raised decoration (identical to LM1990.012) of an outer band of lozenges, inside of which nine fleurs-de-lis point inwards to a central circle; on reverse is a raised projection with slit through; bent wire in slit hooks to mechanism at top, bottom end of wire threaded with circular adjusting nut.Read More