Book, pamphlet

Collection object

H. 20.3 W. 14.9
Pamphlet; "Burren Journey" by George Cunningham; published by Shannonside Mid Western Regional Tourism Organisation, printed by the Limerick Leader, 1978. 48pp. plus card cover, stapled at spine. Front cover is fold out, with 3 maps, first of Ireland to locate the Burren, then North Clare to locate the area under discussion and then a c 3/4 inch to 1 mile map of the area of the pamphlet. Front and back cover with a blue background, with title and author in lighter blue, illustrations of a buttercup, a stone head, Poulnabrone Dolmen and a Burren road; text and list of contents on the fold in white on blue. Main body of text in black on white, but section headings in red. 28 photographs embodied in text, 4 of which copyright Commissioners of Public Works, the remainder by Michael Cowhey; 9 line drawings based on the work of T.J. Westropp. Section headings;- Introduction, Kilfenora, Caherminnaun, Caher Ballykinvarga, Noughaval, Ballymurphy, Lissylisheen, Cahermacnaghten, Corkscrew Hill, Gregans Castle, Rathborney, Newtown Castle, Ballyvaughan, Ailwee Cave, Ballyallaban Ringfort, Cahermore, Berneens Wedge Tomb, Wedge Tombs, Gleninsheen, Glensleade Castle, Poulnabrone Portal Dolmen, Caherconnell, Poulawack Cairn, Kilcorney, Baur Wedge Tombs, Carron Church, Deerpark Wedge Tomb, Leamaneh Castle, Placenames, Some Burren Families, Flora of the Burren, Other Journeys, Bibliography. White label on back cover, inscribed "[pound sign]2.00.

Limerick Leader (printer)