Ms. on lined parchment. Indentured lease of house offices and garden, a plot called Cash's Garden Priorsland (Thomondgate) to Ralph Ousley by Edmond Sexton Pery.dated 16th June 1769. A plan of the plot,n question is inserted into the document and held in place with a sealed pink ribbon. Plan, in pen and watercolour, blue-green, dark ochre, blue-grey and pinkish purple, shows Mr. Moore's Stables, River Shannon, Cash's Lane, Robert Beauchamps new house and Brewery. Folded over, and sealed and signed at bottom by Pery and Ousley. Both seals extant but neither recognisable. Document witnessed on the reverse. The whole folded four times and annotated on the outside with contents
Others on document; Samuel? Pery and Henry Holland witnesses to signature; on the lives of Ralph Ousley, Elisabeth Ousley his wife and son Wlliam; David? Carrick proprietor of Brewery on adjoining property.