
Collection object

H.69.6 W. 59.0
Design, Limerick lace. Scarf end. Pencil drawing, a little over one half of a symmetrical design; three wave edge pointed ovals across bottom, each containing three lily pads and a flower; at centre a garden urn with flower bush; from below the urn a tree branch curves upwards with a peacock sat on it; right border of two strand interlace, tree with weeping branches up its inside; above main design is another weeping tree, and repeating lily pad and flower motif. The right half drawn out in full, left half only left side of urn and opposed peacock sketched in. Faint pencil inscription above centre left; "1909 Design/ Sea Horse". Reverse, left hand side of a 1st edition OS sheet, with Co. Cork printed at top left; no sheet number but Sheet 48 from Townland Index, and adjacent sheet nos. given at top left and bottom. Embossed at top right of map; an oval containing a shield with two male figure supporters, "Ireland" under, other detail unclear. Ordnance Survey office device? Across bottom "Surveyed in 1842 by Captains Stotherd & Durnford R.E & Engraved in 1845 under the direction of Captain Larcom R.E. at the Ordnance Survey Office, Phoenix Park by R. Weller, the Ornament by John Parker, the writing by H.[edge of paper".