
Collection object

L. 14.0 x W. 9.0
Postcard, colour, matt, tinted over b/w. Round Tower and Church, Scattery Island, Co Clare. Obv: View of monastic site with round tower and church, water behind, land beyond that. Cows grazing in field. Title, red, top. Rev: Printed red. Top, centre, slightly left, caps, Post Card, with below, a short line. Below, from centre, a line, descending, vertical, dividing the card. Heading, left, This space may be used for Correspondence. / FOR INLAND (not Foreign) POSTAGE., right, FOR ADDRESS ONLY. Left, parallel to and beside left edge, Lawrence, Dublin. Made in Germany. Top right, rectangular stamp frame with, within it, POSTAGE. / (line) / INLAND / 1/2d. / FOREIGN / 1d.

Lawrence (photographer)
Lawrence (published by)