
Collection object

Map size L. 56.0 x W. 44.0
Map, photograph of, framed. Plan of the City of Limerick / showing the several Barracks, Thoroughfares &c. / 24 inches to 1 Mile. Signed, bottom right, Drawn by Lieut. Hamilton / A.D.C. Limerick?. Annotated, shows the street pattern of the city centre, the various barracks (and buildings which have commanding positions over them). The attached text, bottom left, and below, lists the barracks, lists their respective provisions and ammunition holdings, their water supply, Pensioners office and Staff Sergeants quarters, holdings and distribution of Intrenching tools, a breakdown of the reserve ammunition, a note regarding installation of piped water into barracks, a breakdown of the no of Pensioners (750), and the no of weapons in store (300 stand). National Library negative no. 20210. De Nais no. 506. Barracks Listed: a New Barracks b Abrahams. do c Offrs. Qrs. Henry St (Officers Quarters) d Keiths Store Bks e Hospital. Mt. Kennet f Ordnance Bks g St. Johns. do. h House of Industry. do. i Castle. do. k New Provost and Gun Bastion.

Lt Hamilton (mapmaker)