

Collection object

L. 17.0 x W. 10.8 x T. (max) 2.1
Book, Limerick printed, 1767. No watermarks. Title page: (caps) An / History / Of the City of / Limerick / containing, / (two columns) (left) I. Some Account of its / Antiquity and present / State. / (new para) II. Annals of the City, / and remarkable Oc- / currences relative to / it, for several Centu- / ries, from the most / ancient Writers. / (new para) III. An History of the / Churches and other / (next column, right) public Buildings, with / exact copies of the / ancient Inscriptions / found in them. / (new para) IV. A List of the Pro- / vosts, Mayors, Bai- / liffs and Sheriffs, from / the reign of RI- / CHARD the first, to / the present time. / (reverts to full width) (new para) The whole carefully transcribed from Manuscribes of / impartial Writers, compiled from the most authentic / Accounts, and embellished with the Arms of the / City, and an Elevation of the new Custom House (missing), / neatly Engraved on Copper. / (line) / Multum in Parvo. / (line) / Limerick: / Printed by Andrew Welsh, for John Ferrar, Bookseller, / near the Exchange. M.DCCLXVII. / (in pencil) 1767. Top, right, handwritten in ink, JG? Original binding, full bound in leather, 5 binding threads visible on spine, (caps) History / Of / Limerick on spine between first and second threads, in double line square frame (three at top). Consists of (pages): 2 blank, 1 missing - cut out (engraving of Custom House?), title page, blank, dedication, blank, Preface v - ix, subscribers x - xx, text etc pp 1 - 155, list of books for sale by John Ferrar at Quay Lane, Limerick pp 157 - 158, 6 blank.

Andrew Welsh (printer)