
Collection object

H. 23.0 W. 19.1
Receipt, printed and ms. Black on white. Single sheet folded in half and printed on first and last side only. First side, "Stamp Office, Dublin,/ No. [196 20] day of [February] 1842 {2 converted to 3}/ Received from [Peter O'Brien]/ Distributer of Stamps for [Limerick] the Sum of/ One Pound fifteen shillings & sixpence/ on Account of Stamp Duties being the Amount of his/ Remittance for the week end the {"his" to "end" crossed out} [Board/ order of 31 ulto to pay the/ Registrar Diocese of Killaloe]/ {ps}[1.15.6/ Robert Tyrrell]/ Receiver-General./ [H. Cooper] Comptroller./ To the Distributer of Stamps,/ [Limerick & Clare]." Final page "To/ The Distributer of Stamps,/ [Limerick]/ Post Paid". Rectangular red cancellation "Paid/ FE20A/ 1843", circular black cancellation "Limerick/ FE 21/ 1843".Centre forms address; both sides folded inwards, bottom upwards and top downwards and sealed. Holed where sealed and by spike. Watermark Crowned Cartouche with loop in centre, with "SE & Co" below

S & Co Evans (papermaker)