
Collection object

Print H. 14.7 W. 21.9 page H. 22.6 W. 28.5 Frame H. 31.1 W. 36.0
Print, lithograph, b/w. "Clare Castle/ Clare/ Drawn on Stone by J.D. Harding from a Sketch by Robert O'Callaghan Newenham Esqr.- Printed by C. Hullmandel". View of castle on island in river, bridge to left and right, water and scrub in foreground; castle entrance facing between two towers, left with battlements and right with conical roof; three people and two cattle on island in front of castle; sails of a sailing ship behind bridge at right. Dark wood frame with gold inner edge; pale grey mount; hardboard backing held in place with brown paper. Framer's sticker, grey on white, "Chris Doswell/ Picture Framing/ Tel (061)31 82 92/ 11 St Joseph St. Limerick". Plates for attachment to wall at sides.

Robert O'Callaghan Newenham (artist)