
Collection object

Banner 170.5 x 188.0.
Banner. Knockea and Donoughmore United Irish League, painted by Henry O'Shea, Limerick. Green cloth to each side of a canvas core, both sides painted on inside and outside, a remake of an earlier banner. The front has a wide border of foliage and foliate quatrefoils in gold and green, with a band to each side of lozenges in purple and gold on violet. Central painted scene of Hibernia, facing forward, r. hand raised, l. hand on harp, wolfhound standing behind l., town with castle on hill l. background, round tower and high cross r. background. This scene signed H. O'Shea pinxt, Limerick. This side inscribed above, green with white outline: Knockea and Donoughmore, and below: United Irish League. These inscriptions cover mirror image inscriptions behind: above, the same; below: Fair Rents and Happy Homes. Back: Border, gold on green, of double lyre-like pattern, with marigold-like pattern between, on a narrow band filled with interlocking L-shapes. Central painting of a harp, shamrock, sprigs below, sun radiant rising from a cloud above. The harp from the R/ painting is visible through this scene. Inscribed above, gold with white edging: Labour's Cause is Our Cause, and below, green with white edging: United We Stand, Divided We Fall, over mirror image: He Who Commits a Crime, and: Gives St...e.. to the Many. Metal tubes for suspension ropes above, some missing. Vertical tears through paintings on both sides

Henry O'Shea (painer)