Address, illuminated

Collection object

Illuminated area H. 47.8 W. 36.1 Frame H. 66.8 W. 55.6
Address, illuminated, to Mr Michael MacDonagh of the Munster News (newspaper) on the occasion of his departure from Limerick, 18 Jan 1885. Divided into panels. Above: centre, photograph of MacDonagh superimposed on front page of Freemans Journal. L., in ornate coloured lettering, Address to, wolfhound and round tower in the A, spiral floral motif around to.. R., above, Mr Michael Mac Donagh, below, arms of Limerick in shield, motto on scroll, forming centre of triangle inscribed: Munster News on the occasion of his departure from Limerick. Below, centre, the address, dated Jany 18th, 1885, with names of Michael O'Brien JC, chairman, William Heffernan, hon treasurer, John O'Sullivan, hon secretary, John McInerney PLG, George Smith, Richard Troy, John C Fitzgerald, John J Kiely, Frank McGrath, committee. Below, overpainted photograph, Treaty Stone and Shannon River in foreground, St Johns Cathedral in centre background, in oval border, shamrocks around. To l., three small overpainted photographs, oval, with shamrock surrounds: 1. George Street 2. Thomond Bridge 3. St Marys Cathedral. Below these, a panel with a Roman lamp on tripod, shamrocks around, floral spirals above this, book with crossed quill and pen above. To r., three photographs, overpainted: 1. On the Shannon, Limerick (Lawrence photo 527) 2. Treaty Stone 3. King Johns Castle. Below: crossed quill and sword wrapped in angular scroll inscribed: Beneath the rule of / men entirely great / the pen / is mightier than / the sword. Inscribed below l.: Illuminated by G O'Neill, 116 George Street, Limerick. In frame of gilt plaster on wood, sections of plaster missing.

G O'Neill (illuminator)