
Collection object

H. 29.7 W. 20.9
(white paper, typed in black,, watermark.)

Letterhead, Connolly, Sellors, Geraghty & Co. Solicitors, 6, Glentworth Street, Limerick.  Top of page centre Connnolly, Sellors, Geraghty & Co, Solicitors, 6, Glentworth Street, Limerick.   Top of page left, Dermod Morrissy - Murphy, Niall Sheehy, B.C.L., LL.B. Patrick J. Geraghty, B.C.L.  John Hayes, B.C.L. Joseph Murphy, B.C.L. Consultant Niall S. Gaffney, B.A. Commissioners for Oaths and Notaries Public.  Top of page on right, Telephone: Consultations by Appointment.  Date, 1st June 1979.  From Connolly, Sellors, Geraghty & Co to O'Donnell Dundon & Co., Solicitors, 101 O' Connell Street, Limerick.