

Collection object

Page H. 24.2 W. 16.5 Photo H. 10.8 W. 9.4
Photograph, b/w. The Countess of Limerick, by Lafayette, Dublin; reproduced in an article, Types of Fair Women, from Munsey's Magazine, New York, 1987. Head and shoulders portrait, looking to her half right; hair up, wearing a low-cut dress on the shoulders. Text above and below the photo relates to photos on other side; page numbered 654. The reverse, p. 653 has photos of Mme Donald Harper and Mrs Thomas S Martin.
May Imelda, daughter of J Burke-Irwin, of The Priory, Co Limerick. Text on p.655: "Most Irish women are great huntresses. The eldest child of Mr. Burke-Irwin, a stipendary magistrate of Dublin, was noted as a young girl for her beauty and for her remarkable interpretations of Chopin upon the piano. After her marriage to the Viscount Glentworth, about six years ago, she became one of the most prominent members of the viceregal court, and famous as a darling rider to hounds. In her love of sport, and in her wit, she shows herself as a true daughter of Erin as in her great blue eyes and abundant black hair. Her home was at Kildare Castle until the old Earl of Limerick died, last year, when her husband succeeded to the title, and took up his residence in County Limerick. They have two lovely children. The Duchess of York is the godmother of the little girl, and Princess Edward of Saxe Weimar undertook the same responsibility for the son and heir."

Countess of Limerick (associated with)
Lafayette (photographer)