
Collection object

H. 24.7 W. 18.7
Programme. Limerick Symphony Concerts Society presents The Philharmonia Orchestra, soloist Yehudi Menuhin, at the Savoy Theatre, 21st May 1957. Printed by Limerick Leader. 8pp stapled at centre, printed black on white throughout. Contains details and lists of members and patrons. Part of lower front cover missing, back used for doodles, generally grubby.

Members, Mayor G.E. Russell, M.W. McGuire, M. Macken manager, J.C. Duggan, C. Stenson, P O Clancy, Lady mayoress, F.E. Brislane, Miss Honor Bolger, Mrs M. Bourke Rev R H Campbell, Alderman J & Mrs Carew, Mrs E Cole-Hamilton, Sr and Mrs Louis Courtney, Rev Dr Cowper, Mr & Mrs W. Cummins, Mrs J.C. Duggan, W. Dundon, A.G. Fitt, Judge F.C Gamble, Nora Geary, Mr & Mrs V St Clair Gloster, Mr & Mrs A.E. Goodwin, Professor & Mrs Guina, J.A. Haydn, Archdeacon and Mrs A.E. Hewetson-Jones, Lady Inchiquin, Miss E Kelly, Mrs M.W. McGuire, Dr & Mrs P J McMahon, Rev. T. McMahon SJ, Mrs M. Macken, Mr & Mrs D C C Mercier, Mr & Mrs G. Metcalfe, Miss Maura Murphy, Lt Col James Healy, Dr N O'Dwyer, B.G & Mrs O'Malley Mrs K M O'Malley, Francis Radmall, Mrs C. Stenson.

Limerick City Patrons Mr & Mrs M.G. Ahern, Rev Edward Andrews SJ, Miss Maire Barry, Rev Angus Buckley, Rev J Cagney, Rev E G Casey, John and Mrs Carew, Rev J. Cowper, Mrs & Mrs W. Cummins, Mrs T D Cooper, Dr & Mrs Creehan, Mr P.O Clancy, Mrs Ruth Cannon, Mr& Mrs J.C Duggan, , Mr William Dundon, Denis Dyer, Mr A G Fitt, Mr & Mrs R Foley, Mr & Mrs A E Goodwin, Rev G M Griffin, Rev Daniel Gallagher, Professor & Mrs Guina, Miss Myriam Guina, Mr & Mrs Sean Hanley, Miss Rose Hartmann, J A Haydn, Dr & Mrs Richard Hayes, Miss Eva Humphreys, Mrs J Humphreys, Mrs C M Kiely, Denis Lanigan, James G Lyons, Mr & Mrs M Macken, Mr & Mrs D C C Mercier, Surgeon Michael J & Mrs Murphy, Mr & Mrs Martin McGuire, Dr K N & Mrs McMahon, Dr P J & Mrs McMahon Miss P MacNamara, Mr & Mrs P J Nicholas, Miss Mary O'Brien, Mr & Mrs J.S O'Driscoll, Mr & Mrs P O'Byrne, John O'Mara, Mr & Mrs W H O'Donnell, Mr & Mrs Peter J O'Mara, Eoin G O Mordha, Mr & Mrs F O Mahony, Miss Marie O'Sullivan, Mr & Mrs J J O'Toole, Mr & Mrs John J Reardon, Mr P Quilty, Patrick Roughan, Dr M.J and Mrs Roberts, Dr Mary Roche-Kelly, Ranks Ireland, Mr & Mrs H Russell, Daniel G Shields, Mr & Mrs D Staehli, Mr & Mrs C Stenson, Mr & Mrs John.C. Thompson, John Treacy, Mrs Trousdall, Miss Maud MacArdle Williams.

Limerick County (town/village given)
Mrs H Allott, Capt & Mrs Bulger, Lt Col & Mrs Hussey de Burgh, Commander P T and Mrs Hussey de Burgh, , Judge F C & Mrs Gamble, Mr & Mrs John Hederman, Mr & Mrs W V Hederman, Mr & Mrs R T Hartigan, Mr P W Hartigan, Mr & Mrs Mitchell, Mr & Mrs Derrick Morley, Rev E M McCarthy, Mr & Mrs Roger O'Sullivan, Mr & MRs B G O'Malley, Miss C E O'Rorke, Major Gen R V & Mrs Pollock, Rev G Ryan, Mrs Worrledge, Lt Col M W White, Miss K White, Mr & Mrs D W Will, Major N Webb.

Limerick Leader (made by)