
Collection object

H. 25.0 W. 18.8
Programme. Limerick Symphony Concerts Society presents Handel Messiah, with Halle Orchestra conductor Sir John Barbirolli with Our Lady's Choral Society, Savoy Cinema, 23rd April 1953. Printed by Limerick Leader. 8pp stapled at centre, printed black on white throughout. Contains details plus adverts and lists of members and patrons. Local
adverts; Limerick Clothing Factory, Quilty's Thomondgate, Clover Meats

Members, Mayor C.K Bradshaw, M.W. McGuire, M. Macken manager, J.C. Duggan, P.E. O'Malley, C. Stenson, Lady mayoress, F.E. Brislane, Mrs M. Bourke, Mr & Mrs T. Clarke, Mrs E Cole-Hamilton, Dr and Mrs Louis Courtney, Rev Dr Cowper, Mr & Mrs W. Cummins, Mrs J.C. Duggan, W. Dundon, A.G. Fitt, Judge F.C Gamble, Nora Geary, Mr & Mrs V St Clair Gloster, Mr & Mrs A.E. Goodwin, Professor & mrs Guina, J.A. Haydn, Archdeacon and Mrs A.E. Hewetson-Jones, Mrs K.V. Hodgins, Lady Inchiquin, Mr & Mrs J.J. Johnson, Miss E Kelly, Mr & Mrs D R Knox, Mrs M.W. McGuire, Dr & Mrs P J McMahon, Rev. T. McMahon SJ, Mrs M. Macken, Mr & Mrs D C C Mercier, Mr & Mrs G. Metcalfe, Lt Col James Healy, Miss P. O'Donnell, Dr N O'Dwyer, Mrs C. O'Kelly, Mrs P.E. O'Malley, Mr & Mrs Maurice M M Power, Alderman and Mrs G.E Russell, Sean F Sheils, Mrs C. Stenson.

Limerick City Patrons Mr & Mrs M.G. Aherne, Miss Rubena Auchmuty, Mr & Mrs C S Barry, Mrs Margaret Bourke, Mr & Mrs Roger Bourke, Councillor C.K. Bradshw, Rev Michael Breen, Mr Andrew Browne, Mr & Mrs T.M. Callinan, Mr & Mrs E.T. Clarke, Mr C A Crabtree Mis M.W Crabtree Alderman and Mrs Carew, Mr & Mrs Tom Clarke, Mr & Mrs T.J. Colbert, Mrs E Cole hamilton, Mr & Mrs P.G. Collier, Mrs T.D. Cooper, Dr D J and Mrs Corboy, John Corboy, Mr & Mrs Louis de Courcy, Rev J. Cowper, Rev. W Creed, Mrs & Mrs W. Cummins, Mr & Mrs R Cusack, Tim Daly, Major T R W and Mrs Deakin Mrs Jack Dolan, Mr & Mrs E Doran, Mr & MRs J.C Duggan, Mr P Duggan, Miss M Duggan, Mr & MRs John Dundon, Miss Mary Dundon, Mrs Dr Wm Dundon, William Dundon, Louis Fine, Mr A G Fitt, Mr & Mrs G A Fitzgibbon, Col. Liam Forde, Mr T.C. Frawley, Mr & Mrs Gabbett, Mrs Nora Geary, Mr & Mrs A E Goodwin, Rev G M Griffin, Kevin Guerin, Sean Hanly, Michael J Hartmann, Miss Rose Hartmann, Patrick Hartmann, Mr P.W. Hartigan, Mr & Mrs R T Hartigan, Dr Richard Hayes, Miss Heaney, Mr P J Hogan, Tom Holliday, Mrs M E Holliday, Miss Nancy Holliday, Dr John Holmes (x2) Miss Eva Humphries, Rev H Hunt, Miss Catherine Joyce, Mr & Mrs Frank Kavanagh, Miss C Keane Miss Lulu Kennedy Mrs C M Kiely Mr & Mrs D R Knox, Denis Lanigan, John Lanigan, Mr T J Loughrey Mr & Mrs M Macken, John Maher, Mr & Mrs V P mangan, Mr & Mrs D C C Mercier, Monsignor Maurice Moloney, Dr Cecel Molony, Mr & Mrs Jack Molloy, Mr & Mrs Pat Molloy, Rev J.V. Moran, Miss B Moynihan Miss Doris Mulligan, Rev E M McCarthy, Dr McCarthy, Mr & Mrs Richard mcCarthy Dr Charles W McDonnell, Mr & Mrs Martin McGuire, James A McMahon, Morgan McMahon, Dr Noel & Mrs McMahon, Doris MacNamara Miss Maureen MacNamara, Mr P MacNamara, Lady Agnes K M Nash, Rev Michael Neville, Mr & Mrs G A Newenham, Mr & Mrs Dermod J O'Brien, Mr & Mrs D A O'Brien, Rev D.G. O'BRien, Mr & MRs Liam Callaghan, John O'Donnell, Officers mess Sarsfield barracks, Rev W O'Grady, Dr O'Higgins, Dr P.J & Mrs O'Kelly, Miss K O'Loughlin, Mr & MRs B.G O'Malley, Mr & Mrs P E O'Malley, Dr Sarah O'Malley, Mr & Mrs M B O'Malley, Mr & MRs S.M. O'Mara, Peter J O'mara, Mr & Mrs Jack O'Mara, Dr W O'Regan, Mr & Mrs D G O'sullivan, Miss Laura O'Sullivan, Mrs M O'Sullivan, Miss Marie O'Sullivan, Mr & Mrs J J O'Toole, Mrs B O'Grady, Miss Philomena O'Grady, Miss R Duggan, Mrs Hugh Place, Mr & Mrs Maurice Power, Rev Michael Purtill, Mr P Quilty, Mr C J Quinn, Mr & MRs M A Roche, Mr P Roughan, Mr & Mrs S J K Roycroft, Ald and Mrs G E Russell, Mr & Mrs Harry Russell, Mr M J Ryan, Miss Nuala Savage, Mr & Mrs A J Sexton, Mr & Mrs J J Sexton, Capt Eric and Mrs Shaw, Mr & Mrs P J Sheahan, Mrs Michael Sheehan, Mr & Mrs Michael J Smyth, Mr & Mrs T J Spillane, Miss M Spillane, Mr & Mrs Desmond Staehli, Mr & Mrs Charles Stenson, Mr & Mrs W W Stokes, Mrs M A Stokes, Mr J W Stokes, Mrs J W Stokes, Mr & MRs J.C. Thompson, Miss O Thompson, Mr & MRs W F Treacy, Mr & Mrs J F Troy, Rev Michael Tynan, Rev Fr Vincent, Mr J N A Wallace, Mrs M Webb, rev John White, Mrs M G Williams, Mr R L Williams, Mrs Kitty Walsh.

Limerick County (town/village given)
Miss Jane Bennett, Mr & Mrs Joseph A Binchy, Mrs Frances Bourke, Rev John Browne, Daniel Buckley, Rev J Cagney, Mr J.W. & Mrs Canty, Mr & Mrs P R F Considine, Mrs Courage, Earl of Dunraven, Countess of Dunraven, Mrs Michael Dwyer, William Dwyer, Knight of Glin, The Madam Fitzgerald, Commander P T & Mrs Fitzgerald, Rev james Foley, Judge F C & MRs Gamble, Mr J P Griffin, Mr & Mrs W V Hederman, Mr R F Hewson, Mrs J Hynes, Mrs C Hunt, Mrs C V Hodgins, Mr J H Irwin, Mrs F B Jorgenson, Rev Michael Kelly, Rev P Lyons, Miss E A MIlls, Mrs V Mitchell, Mr & MRs Derrick Morley, Rev Hugh O'Connor, Miss C E O'Rorke, Rev C O Suilleabhain, Mrs Noel O'Shaughnessy, Mr Arthur M O'Shaughnessy, Mr & Mrs D O Briain, Major Gen R V & Mrs Pollock, Mrs Michael Quaid, Rev Michael Ryan, Rev G Ryan, Mr & Mrs Geo Spillane, Mr B Spillane, Mrs Rupert Smythe, Mr & MRs N Telander, Mrs de Vere, Major and lady Vernon, Major S N C Webb, Lt Col M W White, Miss K White, MRs J P G Worlledge, Mrs Zeitler, Mr Mark Zeitler

Limerick Leader (made by)