
Collection object

H. 15.2 W. 20.3
Photograph, b/w, matt. Sarsfield Statue, Limerick. Lawrence 2665 WL. View of front of statue from footpath, gate of railing open. No presbytery building behind. Inscription on base: To commemmorate / the indomitable energy / and stainless honour of / General Patrick / Sarsfield / Earl of Lucan / The heroic defender of / Limerick / during the sieges of / 1690 and 1691 / Died / from the effects of wounds / received at the / Battle of Landen 1693 / This site was granted by the / Right Revd. George Butler / Lord Bishop of Limerick / to the trustees. / Ambrose Hall J.P. / Robert V O'Brien / William Spillane J.P. / Erected 1881. Title in white bottom l.

Lawrence (photographer)