Print. Political cartoon; No. 552, A Metamorphosis, Surpassing any thing to be found in Ovid, or, Poor John Bull turned into a Milch Cow, HB, 15th August, 1838. HB monogram at bottom left. A. Ducotes lithographer, 70 St. Martin's Lane, London, T. McLean publisher, 26 Haymarket below frame. Image shows a cow being milked into a bucket marked, Exchequer, by a man on a stool. Two milk maids at right, one with pail marked, Tithe Arrears, the other with jug marked, Irish Clergy. At left another woman carrying a pail marked GH on way to Greenwich, which is signposted. Persons; Mr Shiel, John Bull, Mr Spring Rice, Mr O'Connell, Sir R. Peel (for identifications see separate sheet in correspondence file).