
Collection object

H. of photo 36.9 W. 28.2. Frame H. 53.3 W. 43.6 W. of frame 4.4
Photograph, b/w print. Photograph of painting of Sir David Roche MP for Limerick 1832-44. Half length portrait; head slightly to his right but eyes looking straight out; slightly receeding hairline and long sideburns, otherwise clean shaven. Wearing dark jacket and cravat, with high white collar shirt. Holding in his right hand an open letter addressed to, Sir David Roche Bt/ M.P/ Limerick. Photograph shows slight silvering around edges. Mounted on grey card set inside a wide gold painted frame, with plaster relief moulding in corners. Brown paper sealing reverse, worn in places. Original framer's label on reverse, Daniel Egan,/ Carver and Gilder,/ 26 Lower Ormond Quay,/ Dublin,/ Manufacturer of all kinds of/ Modern and Antique Pattern Frames for/ Pictures and Looking glasses./ Also ornamented white presses, book cases, mantel pieces, door/ ornamentations etc. Composition or carved,/ The Trade Supplied Estimates Free/. Printed black on white, now dusty off-white. Double twisted wire for hanging.

Daniel Egan (framer)