Roll, manuscript. Roll of Capt W.W. Crawly's Company, 74 Regiment Limerick Sept 1831 etc, in notebook from C. O'Brien, bookseller, Limerick. 64pp, plain pages, brown leather cover. On the inside cover the name, Lieut The Honorable J.H.R. Curzon is crossed out and Limerick Sept 1831 / Ensign Maxwell substituted. Contains a number of lists, in ink unless stated otherwise; 1) Roll of Capt W.W. Crawly's Company 74th Regiment Limerick 1831, Capt W.W. Crawly Ensign Maxwell (again replacing crossed out Curzon) Lieut Thos. O'Grady (see Guillamore in Burkes Peerage) on first 4 pages; giving regimental number, rank, number of arms, number of greatcoat, country, religion and service with final column for remarks. 2) pencil list of names with amounts; 3) Right Subdivision 1st squad in charge of Ensign Maxwell (Curzon crossed out), listed by regimental number, rank, number of arms, number of greatcoat, height, age service and remarks; on 2pp; 4) Ditto for 2nd squad; ditto for 3rd squad under Thomas O'Grady; 2pp; 5) ditto for 4th squad; 2pp; 6) Alphabetical Roll of Capt. W.W. Crawley's Company 74th Regiment, Officers Capt W.W. Crawley (e has crept into name here), Lieut the Honble Thos O'Grady, Lieut Richard Maxwell, 4pp, (from internal evidence 1 year on from 1) 7) Right Subdivision of 1st squad in Charge of Lieut the Honble Thomas O'Grady; 2pp, 8) ditto 2nd squad; 9) ditto 3rd under Lieut Maxwell, 2pp; 10) ditto 4th squad; 11) pencil jottings interspersed with blank pages for remainder except last 5 sides which are written from the other end 12) List of soldiers necessaries Limerick Sept 1831, includes information that 9 English, 45 Scottish (74th Highland Reg.) and 25 Irish; 61 Protestants and 18 Catholics; 13) Memo re furlough from commanding officer Templemore 21 Dec. 1831; 14) extract from district order dated Limerick 28 Dec 1828; 3 pp. Bookseller's label on inside bottom right.
Named individuals; from list 1) Privates unless stated.
Sgt. John Walker, Sgt. James Caldwell, Sgt. Henry Black, Sgt. Michael Shirky, Corporal James Gibson; Cpl. Hugh Glenn; Cpl John Hickey; Cpl. David Mudie; Drummer David McCullogh, Drummer George Owens; Andrew Aitkin, Thomas Anderson, Andrew Anderson; William Bilmans?, Lewis Beaton, William Blair, John Broadhouse; William Brown, Archibald Brown, Patrick Burke, John Campbell x 2, ?? Campbell (crossed out), James Clandinan, Robert Clarke, George Clarke, James Conlin, Patrick Convery, Patrick Doyle, John Drisdale (Drysdale below), James Duffy, Peter Duff; John Evans x 2 (James Gibson promoted corporal), John Gill, David Grant, Hugh Hamilton, James Hamilton; A?? Fleming; John Hetherington, John Higgins, Andrew Holland; William Holleran? John Holmes, James Hunter, James Keenan, Thomas Kerr, Hugh Lavery, Jacob McConnell, William McCullough, James McDonald, Gilbert McFedries?, Joseph McGowan, Michael McGuin?, Archibald McKinley; Philip McKenna? David McLean, John McLennon, Andrew Maiskall, Thomas Mitchell, William Muir; Daniel Munroe, James Norris, Con O'Neil, James Parker, Joseph Ralston, David Ramsey, James Reid, Kenneth? Reany, Alexander Richmond, Matthew Ryan, John Simpson, Nicholas Smith, Robert Stewart, John Struthers, Duncan Turner, Thomas Walworth, Robert Wylie.
Names in 6) not in1). Maxwell has become Lieut. Andrew Anderson and Matthew Ryan have becone Corporals.
Corpl. John O'Brien, John Adair, John Barr, Finlay Beaton, John Clarke, John Colville, John Cleary, James Davison, Robert Edmond, Andrew Fraser, Robert Garrett, Martin Howard, James Kelly, John Kay, D. McAnally, Neil McConnell, Patrick McElvoy, Robert McElvena, D. Mc Gilvery, Thomas Miller, Alexander Miller, David Mudie, John Nichol, Andrew Nimmo, John Wilson, James Wylie, James Latham, Thomas Keaton, John Lonny?, J. Cunningham, G. Heskin? and Thomas McGriffin.