Postcard, colour glossy, landscape format, white margin across bottom. Title in Irish and English in margin at left "St. John's Hospital and St. John's Cathedral, Limerick Ireland", with "HT64356/ Photos Aero-Views., Dublin" at right. Aerial view of the Cathedral and hospital, with St. Joh's Church in the lower right corner. Reverse printed in black; at centre top a trade mark of a strip of film wrapped around a single engine monoplane, with "Aero Views Ltd., Dublin" on film; up centre as division "A reproduction of a real colour photograph by Aero-Views Ltd., Dublin"; to left at top "At St. John's Hospital are some fragments of the old city walls/ of limerick, including a sllyport and part of "Black Battery",/ blown up on the occasion of the abortive assault made on the/ city by William of Orange in 1690. St. John's cathedral with/ imposing tower and spire rising to 280 feet is a beautiful/ Gothic revival structure built 1856-61. A fine marble Madonna/ by Benzoni adorns the sanctuary, and in the treasury may be/ seen the exquisiteoy worked mitre and superb silver-gilt/ crozier of Conor O'Dea, Bishop of Limerick 140026. The smaller St john's Parish Church is on the square nearby ; to right "Post Card/ Address only" with box for stamp to right in which "Postage/ stamp/ here"; below "M" followed by five lines for address; "Printed in Republic of Ireland" at bottom right. Unposted and unused