
Collection object

H. 21.4 W. 14.2 T. 0.1
Book, pamphlet. St. Mary's Cathedral, Limerick. The Organ, A Short History with Specifications, by B.A. Brislane. Printed by McKerns Printing, Limerick. 16pp including white glossy covers. Front cover: title above photograph of cathedral from grounds to SE. inside cover, acknowledgements. Pages: Foreword by Maurice Talbot, Dean Emeritus of Limerick, dated June 1971; 1968 photo of (new) console; text; p.7, photo of 1913 organ case; p.8, 1913 console; p.9, specifications; p.11, 1968 organ case, photo by J Young; p.12, 1968 enlarged specification; p.14, list of organists from 1601; p.15, list of choirmasters from 1716 to 1885. Back cover blank, with printer at bottom centre. Bound with two staples through spine.

McKerns (printer)