
Collection object

H. 8.8 W. 13.9
Postcard, b/w, matt. Greetings from Clare, Sign of the Three Candles, Dublin. Commemorative of Fr Meehan's Ark for saying Mass at Carrigaholt. Pale green background. At centre, oval, drawing of Fr Meehan on the Ark, many people around kneeling, titled in black on white scroll below: The People attending Mass around / The Ark at Kilbaha; top l. corner, head and shoulders of Rev Fr Meehan PP in square border with zig-zag design, titled black on white below; top r. corner, picture of the Ark in similar border, the ark a wooden shed on wheels with door on narrow side and windows along long sides. Celtic animal interlace to each side of oval. Title above oval in Gaelic script, animal interlace below l. and r. Text across the bottom of the card: To the south-west of Ireland lies the Clare Peninsula which, until recent times, formed the parish of Carrigaholt. Owing to the / bigotry of the local Protestant landlord no Catholic church could be erected there. The resourceful pastor, Father M Meehan, / had a box built on wheels (aftrerwards called the Ark, because it was the means of preserving the faith) and placed near the / seashore at Kilbaha outside the landlord's jurisdiction. For six years (1853-1859) it was in use until permission was grudgingly / given for the erection of the present church at Moneen wherein the Ark is now enshrined. Narrow border to card. R/ Printed green, headed Post Card, thick underline, narrow line vertical divide with, up its r., At the Sign of the Three Candles, Ltd., Fleet St., Dublin. Solid outline for stamp. Not used.

Sign of the Three Candles Ltd (published by)