Axe, stone

Collection object

Stone axe, roughout. Grey-brown shale? Broken diagonally during manufacture. Pear-shaped in outline, flattened oval cross-section, triangular long-section. One face is flaked around the edges, retaining in the centre the flat water- polished original surface. The other face is diagonally ridged, with no original surface. The convex cutting edge on this face is produced by the removal of many small flakes, while the break produced a broad slightly concave slope from the ridge to the sharp-edged back. Two small flakes removed from the corner may have been intended to produce a point, and the bevel to the back edge may have been intended to produce a knife-edge. Neolithic L. 9.65 W. max 6.91 T. max 2.6 1910 / Fisherstreet / cutting end, in ink on the ridged face