
Collection object

Photo H. 11.2 W. 15.8 Card H. 20.3 W. 24.8
Photograph, b/w, glossy. Corbally Mill Stream, Limerick, Ireland. View up stream, footpath with metal railing over stream r., leading to wooden footbridge over stream, the bridge supported by one pillar at centre stream, warped concave to each side of pillar, open wooden railing each side of bridge, a cable along its base l., loose and at angle of 45 degrees to stream bank r. half. Stone steps at right angles to bridge at l. end, onto a narrow island between the stram and the Shannon. Evergreen trees along stream on island behind bridge. Well dressed man with bowler hat and moustache standing at r. end of bridge, holding a basket in l. hand by side and a cylinder over r. shoulder with r. hand. Mounted on card, bordered in buff rectangle with ornate corners, spears beyond circles. Titled in handwriting in blach ink above border below.