

Collection object

H. 23.3 W. 18.8
Letter, Peter Slattery in Dartmoor Prison to his brother Ralph, Limerick, 1 June 1916. Official prison paper, with regulations taking up first page. Content: Supposes Ralph won't thank him for answering his letter as he has plenty of time on hand; question of summer holidays solved by Prison Board. No more estimates, clients or calculus for unknown period. Up to previous Sunday, when commutation read to him, had been expecting to be sent upwards from the back yard of Kilmainham to increase the discord of heaven, or ...? Learned definitely that reduction of sentence due to old friend, the French ambassador at St James. Before replying read the instructions. If friends ask, tell them frankly what happened. Give no interviews to pressmen, lip-sympathisers or even MPs. When writing, be careful to avoid academic or other such tags after ones name. If mother gets into any difficulties, see to it that Cumann na mBan or some member of it that he knows is informed. Same applies to himself and he might explain the relationship with advantage if he desires it. So far, nothing to grumble about. BDartmoor by long shot the best place he has struck yet. When he got there, the only piece of clothing on him which was his own was a right boot. P.1 printed regulations: In replying, please write on envelope, Number (57) Name (Peter Slattery) / (line rubber stamped Dartmoor) Prison. List of regulations: permission to write and receive letters to enable connection with respectable friends and not to be informed of public events; all letters read by prison authorities and may be suppressed; intervals between letters depend on rules of the stage they attain by industry and good conduct, but matters of special importance may be communicated to governor of prison who will inform prisoner if expedient; privilege of receiving letters may be suspended for misconduct; money, books etc should not be sent (this highlighted with XX by sender) persons attempting clandestine communication are liable to fine of imprisonment and prisoners engaging in such liable to severe punishment; friends of prisoners may be approached by third parties claiming access to prisoner to give money, books etc for purposes of personal gain, any such communication should be forwarded to governor (highlighted with XX); visits allowed at intervals; when visits are due, notification will be sent to friends prisoner wishes to visit. Serial nos at bottom, No. 243 / (8254 - 20-4-00). One sheet folded, forming four pages. Top right corner missing and edged frayed and brittle.

Peter Slattery (associated with)