Report, Report of the Directors of Limerick Race Co. Ltd. to the AGM on 27th April 1953 at Greenpark Race Course. Single sheet folded in half, printed black on white. List of Directors on front, Michael A Roche, P. Cahill, M. A. Quaid, M. O'B Kelly, L. O'Donnell, P.F. O'Halloran, E.L. Lloyd, J. Clune, J.P. Frost, J.G. O'Dwyer, J. McNamara, D.B. O'Donnell, H.A. Russell, P.F. Roche, M.F. Kelly, H. McMahon; F. B Clune sec., recording also death of Dr. A. Humphreys. Inside pages have financial statement from auditors W.H. O'Donnell 88 O'Connell St. Limerick. Fourth side printed sideways with single column, to form outerside when folded in four. Printed by City Printing Co