
Collection object

H. 10.5 W. 15.0
Postcard, colour glossy, landscape format. White margin across bottom; title in margin at left "Traditional Cottage, Bunratty Folk Park, Co. Clare, Ireland." with "Photo: R. Beer, John Hinde Studios" to right View of a large thatched cottage, with low stone wall around front garden; outside the wall at left are two donkeys, with red pained cart at extreme left of picture. Reverse printed mostly in black with red rectangle; at centre top the John Hinde logo of a stylised spool of film with "John Hinde/ Original"; at top left "2/353"; at bottom left a red rectangle containing an outline map of Ireland with black arrow and dot over Bunratty", with to right "Mountain Cottage, Bunratty Folk/ Park, Co. Clare, Ireland. This picturesque/ little house is a replica of the dwellinghouses of small farmers in the mountainous parts of Co. Clare and north/ Kerry, up to the beginning of this century. With other/ dwellings of Ireland of long ago, it stands in the Bunratty/ Folk Park, near Shannon Airport, and is seen by the many/ thousands of travellers who take part in the Shannon Mediaeval Tours./ Printed and Published by John Hinde Limited, Cabinteely, Co. Dublin, Irish Republic."; box for stamp at top right with five lines for address below. Unused.

John Hinde (published by)