
Collection object

Flat H. 62.0 W. 79.5 Folded H. 19.1 W. 21.5
Document, legal; manuscript on partially pre-printed parchment. Fee farm grant of premises in S. Priorsland by the Earl of Limerick to Daniel Leahy on 25th day of sept 1855. Conversion of 1998.38 and subsequent renewals to fee simple from lease for three lives. Folded up at bottom and held either side with strips of parchment; at centre two lengths of green tape with seal over; left seal has signature right has none. No matrix used on left; right circular, a pelican? wings open, over a shield blurred but with fleur-de-lis at top right' partial motto ".... veritas" below. Witnessed only for Earl, by John Vanderkiste; noted less than 30 folios in deed by Henry O'Shea. In the flourishes of "This Indenture", "Guy & Co. Law Stationers, 107 George St. Limerick". Blue paper stamp duty embossing at top left, lead strip at centre; a shield containing "Ireland" across top over a crown, over "Five Shillings"; on reverse black on white stamp, crowned VR monogram, "67 1" . Pencil marginalia "5/- / 23 Nov/ initials???" below stamp; "46" at bottom right on upturn. Folded from top and bottom to middle, then in half, then from both ends to middle and in half. Outside annotated as to contents under No. 116; in bottom right "Henry O'Shea/ 4 South Frederick Street". Further annotations "Rental 4" and "This grant cancelled and grant/ of 7th September 1838/ to Mrs Margaret Leahy substituted [initials illegible]".

Guy & Co (printer)