
Collection object

H. folded 21.5 W. 20.4
Lease, Ms counterpart, 28 May 1857, William Carroll of Cecil Street, Limerick and William Day Murphy of Kilmallock to Timothy O'Brien of Limerick, gent, of land at Corbally, with map. Mentions lease Monsell to Michael Kenny of 1793 and to Mary and Catherine Kenny of 1828. Their interest now vested in Timothy O'Brien; John Molony dead; Monsell interest vested in Carroll and Murphy; O'Brien renewal under Renewable Leasehold Conversion Act of 13th Victoria; lease exclusive of part of land taken by Limerick and Ennis Railway Company. Land bounded on north by land in Corbally of John Smith, on south by land of Park formerly held by William White, on east by new road from Park to salmon weir and Mr Fosbery's former holding, on west by Abbey river; for ever. Signed by Carroll, Murphy and O'Brien beside three smudged red wax seals, and initials PJD in pencil. Two sheets joined at bottom, each with blue revenue stamp at top l. Map at top l. of sheet one, names William Phayer to the north. R/ of sheet one: Carroll and Murphy signatures witnessed by Patrick James Doyle and Robert Anglim; O'Brien's by Robert Anglim and John McCarthy. Note signed JB Blackall: This do contain less than forty five cows? Note that entered in registry office, Dublin, 12 June 1857 at 26 mins before one in book 17 No 101, illegible signature. Folded and titled on outer cover and numbered 10 in red ink; Bottom r. corner, ornate: Jonas Blackall, 15 Wellington Quay, Dublin.