Axe, stone

Collection object

Axehead, stone. Grey shale? Flattened oval cross-section. The butt is narrow, rounded and pitted and chipped from use. The edges are parallel at the cutting edge, one continuing straight to the butt, the other convex. They were chipped prior to polishing, and one is slightly flattened from polishing. One face is almost flat, the other convex. The cutting edge is slightly convex, and at an angle to the long axis, sloping outward from the convex edge to the straight. There is a slight bevel at the cutting edge on the flat side, perhaps from resharpening. Both faces are scored with one deep and several slight grooved lines. Neolithic L. 15.05. W. behind cutting edge 6.21 butt 2.18 T. max 2.5 H.10 handwritten in yellow ink on one face