
Collection object

L. 5.7, socket 4.3; W. blade 2.4, socket base 2.3; T. blade 0.4; D. socket internal 2.1 x 1.5 external 2.5 x 1.9; Wt.
Knife, socketed bronze, fragment, patinated green. Socket and small portion of blade. Type Thorndon. Socket oval in cross-section, with a central raised rib on each internal face towards the blade end. The socket rim is plain, rounded in section. Portion of one face towards the rim is missing; on the other is a circular peg-hole 1.3cm below the rim. The sides, which retain casting seams, narrow from the rim to the blade, where they widen in a gentle curve, narrowing again towards the apparently leaf-shaped blade. The blade portion is flattened pointed oval in cross-section with traces, on one face, of broad slightly concave bevels. The junction between the socket and the blade is unmarked. There are some slight marks, apparently caused by hammering, on the bevelled face of the blade. Patina pocked towards the rim on the complete face and on much of the incomplete face. FRNO 350, 755. LBA L. 5.7, socket 4.3; W. blade 2.4, socket base 2.3; T. blade 0.4; D. socket internal 2.1 x 1.5 external 2.5 x 1.9; Wt.