Axe, stone

Collection object

Axehead, stone. Light grey banded fine grained sandstone. Roughly trapezoidal cross-section. The butt is roughly hemispherical, pitted, perhaps from use as a hammer. The edges are unpolished. One edge is flat, joining the faces at a sharp angle, and has split along a band towards the butt. The remainder of this band is loose. The other edge is slightly convex in section, pitted, and rippled towards the butt where the bands of the rock surface. Both faces are naturally pitted and imperfectly polished. On one face, behind the cutting edge and towards the convex edge, there is a circular depression, smooth towards the cutting edge and rough towards the butt. The cutting edge is highly polished, sloping steeply from both faces, and slightly chipped from use, with two deep scores, perhaps made in recent times. Cracking along layers Neolithic L. 21.65 W. cutting edge 6.15, butt 2.7 T. max 4.3