
Collection object

H. 8.9 W. 13.8
Postcard, colour matt, landscape format. Title at top left "Ennis Road, Limerick 14802". View along the road, from right pavement; garden walls and overhanging trees up right pavement, houses and gardens visible along the left; woman on left pavement, donkey cart and two bicycles moving towards camera in road; lamp standard on right pavement. Reverse printed in green; at top to left of centre, a shield with "Trade" over and "Mark" under, with "Signal/ Series/ E & S/ D & B" in shield; "Post" to left and "Card" to right of shield, vertical division line under; up left "Signal Series E. & S. Ltd., Dublin & Belfast"; to left of division "This part may be used for/ Correspondence", to right "Address only to be here"; box for stamp at top right in which "Printed/ in/ Saxony"; "136002" at bottom right. Card in German, Addressed to Familie Gaudard, Jernweg? 4, Bern, Schweiz. No stamp. In pencil at top "Co. Limerick Eire" and at centre "18/F £3.50".

Eason & Son Ltd (published by)