
Collection object

H. 29.5 W. 20.8
letterhead, paper. At top printed in blue and yellow; a square at either side in which "ARM", between "Arm Services/ 6 george's Quay, Limerick./ Tel 061-311122/310777 24 hrs./ Fax 061-310433/ Armwatch- A New Strength in Security", with at bottom "24 hour Emergency Monitoring for: Burglary, Fire, Temperature Control/ Gas Leaks, Flooding, Exit-entry Control/ Mains-equipment failure, Personal Attack/ ARM Services= A division of the Elsmore Electrical Group. Watermark "Zeta Mattpost". Letter, undated, signed Eilish O'Riordan addressed to Larry Walsh, re. customer code etc.

Zeta (papermaker)