
Collection object

Print H. 25.8 W. 18.7; page H 29.1 W. 21.9; Mount H. 35.8 W. 29.0. Frame H. 39.2 W. 31.7
Print; cartoon. "Young Ireland in Business for Himself./ William Smith O'Brien and the "physical force" party in Ireland seceded from the Repeal Association." Shows a ragged but heavily armed stereotype Irish peasant at a shop counter behind which stands a simian featured individual; the counter and area behind is stacked with weapons of all sorts; a barrel of bullets stands in front of counter and a notice "Pretty little/ pistols/ for pretty/ little children" hangs from the counter. On reverse is a second print "Old English Sports Revived./ Lord George Bentinck Tilting at the Quintain" showing Bentinck on horseback, lance in hand, being struck by the revolving sandbag on the quintain. Pages 121 and 122 from a publication. Printed in black on white. Pale grey mount; print held to mount with masking tape at top. Framed 1998; gold painted frame; Chris Doswell framer's sticker on reverse.

William Smith O'Brien (associated with)
Chris Doswell (framer)