
Collection object

Separate map H. 20.0 W. 15.6. Map H. max. c 37.5 W. max c 26.0
Jigsaw puzzle, Map of Ireland. Black on white paper map pasted to a thin wooden board and sawn along county boundaries. The edges of the map are cut with the jig-saw, from a larger sheet with a proper border around it; the border is visible in the south-west and centre north, while some names around the edges are cut. Map shows main towns of each county with roads but not railways, some distances shown, rivers and mountains also shown. Leinster has been outlined in red-purple ink. Missing counties; Derry, Fermanagh, Monaghan, Kildare, Offaly, Carlow, Longford, Leitrim & Roscommon. Accompanied by a map of Ireland engraved and published by John Kirkwood, 11 Crow St., Dublin, showing proposed railways & Bianconi routes; counties numbered with key below; times of mails from Dublin at top left; no scale.

Charles Bianconi (associated with)
John Kirkwood (engraver)
John Kirkwood (published by)