Card, collecting

Card, collecting

Collection object

H. 11.8 W. 8.9
Card, collecting. "Irish Volunteer/ Dependants' Fund./ Collecting Card/ For Funds in aid of the Dependants/ of the Men who fought in Ireland/ for Irish Freedom./ M............. [not filled out]/ is authorised to Collect/ Subscriptions for the above Fund./ Mrs Tom Clarke, President./ Mrs Eamonn Ceannt, Vice President./ Sorca NicMatgamna, Hon. Treasurer./ E. MacRagnaill, Hon. Secretary./ Trustees/ Mrs Tom Clarke, Sorca NicMatgamna,/ E. MacRaghnaill./ Office (pro tem):/ 1 College Street, Dublin." Card cover, printed in black on green, with above, inside black on white. Inside; "Contributors are earnestly requested to write in their Names in full themselves and Amounts contributed." printed across full width of inside of cover, below columns headed, "Date", Donor's Name" and "L.s.d" printed twice either side of centre-fold. 8 pages, stapled once at centre-fold, with printed columns corresponding to the above, cut deliberately short so column headings can be read from the inside of the cover. Not used.