
Collection object

H. 71.3 W. 48.0 Frame H. 83.8 W. 60
Poster, advertisement, colour; Matterson's of Limerick. Depicts a range of tinned and bottled produce, as well as a large slice of ham on a serving fork under heading "Matterson's/ of Limerick". Directly below heading an oval in which is the head and shoulders picture of a woman in a shawl, with under it "[a shamrock] Shamrock [a shamrock]; the picture is a brand name and occurs again on two of the canned products. At bottom "From Soup to Sweet - Ready to Eat/ and very good too!". Tinned goods; peas, carrots, pork brawn, processed peas, tomato soup and beans: bottled goods; SB sauce, tomato ketchup, beetroot and carrots. Printed on thick card, framed. Wide gold painted frame, poster held in place by panel pins all round. No other backing.