Postcard, b/w, matt; white margin around; title in bottom margin at left "The West Strand, Kilkee, Co. Clare." View shows five boys in centre of picture digging in the sand with Macdonnell Terrace behind them at left and an island in the bay at right. Reverse printed in black; at centre top a circle in which is the head and shoulders of a man with "Trade Mark" above and "Milton" below; to left of circle "The Milton" and to right "Post Card"; vertical division line below circle; up left edge "The "Milton" Series "Renowned" for Local Views/ The Woolstone-Barton Co. Ltd, London E.C.1" and "Printed in Germany"; to left of centre "Correspondence"; to right "Address"; box for stamp at top right corner, with "Stamp/ Here" inside. Unposted and unused. Pencil dealer's mark at top left "Clare" and bottom left of centre "75p".