Postcard, colour, matt; title at bottom left corner "The Docks, Limerick". View northwards across the docks with the clock tower at centre right; to left four steamboats tied up in descending order of size; in left foreground on the quayside three stacks of wood; across the dock, one or two other boats tied up. Reverse printed in green; to left of centre vertical division line at centre of which reading up "Kivlehan, Publisher, Limerick."; up left edge "This space may be used for correspondence in/ Britain, The Colonies and British Possessions; Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Luxemburg, Mexico, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland and Tunis"; to right of centre "Post Card/ The address only/ to be written here". Pale green halfpenny postage revenue stamp of Edward VII. Circular black cancellation over stamp reads "Limerick/ 10 PM/ OC 3/ 06/ 2". Addressed to Mrs A. Safe? [Sage?]. 26? Belgraol Road, Rathmines, Co. Dublin, from Fonsie; message dear Loo had a terrible day at the races. Pencil dealer's mark at top to right"[pound sign]3"